The Linux OpenUT/Loki CVS HOW-TO, 7-NOV-2000, Second Draft, HTML
Maintained by Jeffrey H. Ingber,

This is a rough attempt at a HOW-TO for building OpenUT from Loki CVS
sources. The author assumes that the reader
possesses some prior Linux
experience such as using CVS, archivers (such
as tar and gzip), and compiling
programs from source code. Building OpenUT from the Loki CVS sources is
preferable to building to OpenUT from the sources found on because
they reflect the (more) current state of Loki UT releases.
Every effort has been made to insure that the information contained
this document is accurate as of the time of writing. I can not be
held responsible
for any damage, lost time, lost wages, etc. that may arise
by using the
information contained within this page.
Some important links:
The OpenUT project at Sourceforge:
(It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the OpenUT project
and browse the mailing lists. This is the best source of information on
the OpenUT project.)
Loki Games:
OpenAL OpenSource 3D audio library:
SDL (Simple Direct Media Layer):
The Linux Documentation Project:
Contacting the author:
I can be reached at
I can only answer questions relating to this document itself (i.e. inaccuracies,
revisions, etc.). and cannot provide support for UT or the OpenUT project,
or any of the other packages mentioned in this document. All trademarks
contained within are the property of their respective owners.
Before we begin:
The starting point for this procedure will require a working UT installation
with the most recent patch applied (428 series). Please visit
more information.
Accelerated OpenGL or Glide support under Linux is highly recommended but
not required when using the Loki CVS sources. Please refer to the Utah-GLX/G400
HOW-TOfor XFree86 3.3.x OpenGL or the DRI HOW-TOfor
XFree86 4.0.x OpenGL. 3Dfx owners should refer to
Follow the instructions for installing XFree86 with OpenGL/Glide support.
When accelerated OpenGL/Glide has been installed, continue the installation
of OpenUT as outlined in this document.
Building OpenUT from Loki CVS sources will require using development versions
of SDL and OpenAL. Please make sure you perform the procedures outlined
below to update SDL and OpenAL. OpenUT will require the most recent versions
of these libraries.
Acquire the following tarball:
SDL Mixer Library 1.0.6:
Aquiring and building the SDL CVS image:
Make sure you are connected to the internet in the usual manner (PPP, LAN,
Change to your source directory (usually /usr/src/) and execute the following
(When asked for a password, type "guest")
cvs login
cvs -z3 checkout -r devel_1_1_0 SDL
cd SDL
./; make; make install; ldconfig
Installing the SDL mixer library and libmikmod:
Change to your source directory (usually /usr/src/) and untar the SDL mixer
library, and libmikmod into your source directory.
Skim the READMEs.
Build SDL mixer and libmikmod in the usual manner:
./configure; make; make install; ldconfig
Aquiring and building the OpenAL CVS image:
Change to your source directory (usually /usr/src/) and execute the following
(When asked for a password, type "guest")
cvs login
cvs -z3 co openal
cd openal/linux
make; make install; ldconfig
Acquiring the OpenUT CVS image and preparing the OpenUT direcotry:
Change to your source directory (usually /usr/src/) and execute the
(When asked for a password, type "guest")
cvs login
cvs -z3 co OpenUT
Copy the following directories form your UT installation
to the OpenUT source directory:
Help, Logs, Maps, Music,, Sounds,
System, Textures, and Web.
Building UT from the OpenUT CVS image:
Change to the OpenUT direcoty and make UT with:
Starting up UT:
Make sure you are in X and open and XTerm window.
Change to your OpenUT/System directory (usually /usr/src/OpenUT/System)
and execute the following command:
If all went well, you'll be playing UT under linux!